Please click on the link above the download the appropriate form.
It is probable that you chose to live in Brockenhurst.
You may well have chosen Brockenhurst for its location and amenities. Also the opportunity to join its vibrant community which caters for all ages.
You will probably wish for Brockenhurst to maintain and improve its advantages.
Why would you not wish to join a society with the same aims as yourself?
FoB consists of like minded people to yourself who give their time to enhance Brockenhurst.
FoB aims to complement the Parish Council and can act more informally. It also has regular meetings with the National Park Authority to discuss village affairs.
FoB sponsors selected village events and would like to do more.
The committee will keep you informed via its website and newsletters. It also
hosts two evenings per year with guest speakers.
Membership is not limited to residents of Brockenhurst but open to anyone with an interest in our village and surrounds.
Annual subscription
(which runs from 1st October to 30th September each year) is currently a minimum of:-
£7.50 per single person OR £10.00 per family
though subscriptions in excess of the minimum are very, very, welcome.
And very many thanks to those that do so.
We reserve the right to make membership a condition for attendance at an FoB event.
We particularly appreciate it if subscriptions are paid by Standing Order.
Both membership forms and standing order forms are available on this page to download.
Plese send or deliver completed Membership and/or Standing Order forms to:
FAO The Treasurer, Friends of Brockenhust
c/o Pot-Pourri, 60 Brookley Road, Brockenhurst SO42 7RA